Monday, June 7, 2010


Stawianie problemów. Ten etap charakteryzują [...] ; trafność, wyrażająca się w tym, że problem nie implikuje fałszywych założeń, ani nie prowadzi do fałszu: [...]


So says context, so says WSP-A (sort of). Though of course by itself the first assocation is "accurate", or something of the sort.


hyoomik said...

I always have problems with the words "trafny" etc. It is no problem when it is possible to use several words: "right on target", "hit the nail on the head", "to the point", "ad rem", and maybe "relevant".

Here is what the PWN says:

trafn|y adi. grad.
1. (celny) [strzał, uderzenie, rzut] accurate, well-aimed; trafnym ciosem powalił przeciwnika the well-aimed blow felled his opponent
2. (właściwy) [diagnoza, prognoza] accurate; [nazwa, wybór] appropriate; [słowo] right, correct; [uwaga] pertinent, apt

hyoomik said...

And, what is WSP-A?

hyoomik said...

May "pertinent" or "pertinence" might be a good translation for "trafnoś&#263" as it is normally used. Although in the context mentioned here, it is a little different, more like "correct" or "sound".

Triduana said...

Wielki Słownik Polsko-Angielski (Warszawa, 1968)