Thursday, February 10, 2011


" ... cała filozofia grecka nie wiedziała nic o roli aktu istnienie jako decydującego o bytowości, ograniczała się wyłącznie do analiz form-struktur."

"Tomasz zwrócił uwagę, że jeśli istnienie jest czymś ukonstytuującym bytowość (coś jest bytem, gdy istnieje) ..."

I've put

"Aristotle ... knew nothing of the role of existence as the act decisive of being" - but that's not quite clear, in the way the PL is.


"Thomas pointed out that if existence is the factor constituting being (something is a being, if it exists"

I am wondering about beingness for "bytowość" (though I'm not convinced it's necessary, at least here), and about a better way of putting the bit about "aktu istnienie jako decydującego o bytowości".

1 comment:

hyoomik said...

that old problem word. If had my way, I would use the word "entity", but that word already has a life of its own in English. "Entitativeness" would be perfect, but requires the reader to make a back-formation from Latin. I have used "onticity", but my proof reader complained, and he was right.
If you feel free, "the fact that something is a being" or some such phrase would precisely render the thought.
For the most part, I use "beingness", but spelled "being-ness" to make the spell-checker happy.

The biggest problem here is "decydujacego". An intelligent reader understands what it means, but it sounds strange. I sometimes say "is decisive", "determines", "is the crucial factor," "is the decisive factor in ...". I think the last one is most pleasing to my inner ear.