Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
"uniesprzecznienie" II
Dusza pojawia się jako uniesprzecznienie, czyli, jak to się mowi: „uwolnienie od sprzeczności to, że coś raczej działa niż nie działa”
from an interview with Krąpiec
Monday, October 11, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Problem, “istoczyć” is not in my dictionaries.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
So says context, so says WSP-A (sort of). Though of course by itself the first assocation is "accurate", or something of the sort.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Reduce, or Can be reduced
Monday, May 31, 2010
hyphenated adjectives
I often see hyphenated adjectives in Polish, and the result is ambiguous. For example, “był dziekan Wydziału Filozoficzno-Historycznego”. Of course, I could translate it as the “Philosophical-Historical Department”, or as the “Philosophy-History Department”, but in fact it is either the “Department of the Philosophy of History”, or the “Department of the History of Philosophy”. I will guess that it is the first, but I wish that Polish writers would be aware of the ambiguity of that construction, which is becoming more and more common. I will post more examples in the comments maybe, because it is pretty common.
Sometimes, it seems that hyphenated adjectives are best rendered by the word “and”, for example “aktualność głównych wątków filozoficzno-theologicznych okresu średniowiecza” — “the relevance and currency of the main elements of the philosophical and theological elements of the period of the Middle Ages”.
Ukrainian Place Names
Thursday, May 27, 2010
-ing and -ac
Monday, May 24, 2010
Now, when we are paid for each character (1,800 characters per page), we count in bytes. I simply count bytes when I am creating text files, because 1 byte=1 character. When you use the “DIR” command from a Command prompt (or DOS prompt, still available in Windows), you will get a precise count of bytes. When you use Windows Explorer, you see the number of Kilobytes. But a kilobyte (despite “kilo-”) is not a thousand bytes, but 1024 bytes (1024 being 2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2).
Aegidius vs. Giles
"uogólnienie rozumiejące"
Uświadomienie to następuje nie w drodze rozumowania, separacja jako całość, podobnie jak abstrakcja, nie jest rozumowaniem, lecz jest aktem poznania bezpośredniego. Jeżeli w tym ujęciu być bytem, znaczy być treścią o proporcjonalnym istnieniu, to twierdzi się tak, nie dlatego, że dotychczas nie spotkano takich innych bytów, które nie są złożone z istoty i istnienia, ale dlatego, że zrozumiano, iż inaczej być nie może. Każde inne rozumienie byłoby sprzeczne z danymi najpierwotniejszego doświadczenia. Jeżeli w tym przypadku zauważa się jakiś uogólnienie, to nie jest ono rozumowaniem, ale jest uogólnieniem rozumiejącym.
Is there some accepted English phrase? I'm asking around, but at the moment I am stumped. I'm sure there is some obvious solution I'm overlooking."ostateczny"
Metafizyka ... nie ma już za zadania ... ostatecznego wyjaśnienia rzeczywistości ...
...twierdzenia uzyskane na drodze ogólnienia danych nauk szczegółowych ... należy uznać za ostateczne hipotezy dotyczące bytu.
I am wondering what to do with these.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Sometimes I translate the adjective as “original”, or as “source-based” “source-related”, or a paraphrase. Any other suggestions? These are probably very straightforward in German.
“Pierwotny” can also be translated as “original”. Other alternatives, as required: “primary” or “first” (which are good, but often too broad), “pristine” (an excellent rendering, except that it has acquired a meaning of cleanliness and purity that is irrelevant), “primitive” (which is good, but has a negative connotation),
OD --- from, or since, or something else
The phrase “między innymi” (m.in.), or in English “among other things”, appears often enough in Polish and in English, more often in Polish. The way it often appears, however, leads to ambiguity. Consider the following sentence:
“Pracował w diecezji m.in. jako sekretarz biskupa”.
Literally, word by word: “He worked in the diocese, among other things, as secretary of the bishop.” Where does “among other things” fit. “He worked, and did other things…”, “in the diocese, and elsewhere”, “as secretary, and in other positions”, “for the bishop, and for others” — perhaps all of the above. It seems that this means that he worked in the diocese, and did several jobs, including that of secretary to the bishop. However, here the translator is introducing more precision than exists in the original text.
“Among other things” and “między innymi” are much overused. When the translator can discern exactly what it refers to in a sentence, it is better to use the word “including”. For example, “Pisał m.in. tych prac:” is better this way: “He wrote many works, including the following:”. Otherwise, “m.in.” is providing non-information, e.g., he wrote, he slept, he ate, and other things.
Or this example: “Wydano także m.in.: …”. The literal translation: “Among other things, [the following] were also published”. This is better translated as “The following works are also among those that were published”, or “Also, other works were published, including the following: …”
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Another word is “doznanie”. If we are writing for Aristotelian’s it is fine to use “passion”, but otherwise, it might be “experience”, or better maybe, “passive reception”.
This is also the case with "its", because "it" may refer to a thing that is female (e.g. "filozofia") or male ("problem") in grammar.
There are some cases where a phrase begins with "it" (ona, on, ono, jej, jego etc.) but it is not clear what noun is referred to by the pronoun. If the author is unclear, and it is not clear from the material, the translator will leave it roughly as vague as he found it and use a pronoun.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
They are as follows:
Ą = Ą
ą = ą
Ć = Ć
ć = ć
Ę = Ę
ę = ę
Ł = Ł
ł = ł
Ń = Ń
ń = ń
Ó = Ó
ó = ó
Ś = Ś
ś = ś
Ź = Ź
ź = ź
Ż = Ż
ż = ż
Nonnullae annotationes de verbis inusitatis
(H. asked) Now, a question to a translator. The Encyclopedia never uses Cyrillic letters. I often deal with articles about Russian, Bulgarian, and other philosophers using names that are based in the Cyrillic alphabet. With well-known names, I follow the common spelling (based on a Google search and the number of results). Even some of the most famous Russian names are spelled in many ways in English literature. For less common names, or title of books, I transliterate from Polish phonetics to English in a standard way (w=v, y=i, cz=ch, etc.). That is not the problem. However, I see Serbian names rendered in the Latin alphabet. As far as I know the Serbians use the Cyrillic alphabet. However, do they have a standard system for spelling their names using the Latin alphabet? If I see a name ending in "c", should I leave it, or transliterate it as "ts"?
(W. responded)
The question about Serbian translation is a perfect one for the Translator's Cafe forums. However, thinking back to the Balkans war, the names were spelled with a "c" at the end. Indeed, with a ć (as in "c"wiczenie). And that is what the transliteration table here
suggests. Milošević, Милошевић. In English I've only ever seen it spelled with a "c" at the end: I suppose English speakers are very used to spelling things one way and pronouncing them another!
(H. remarked) It seems like Polish authors often use "pojecie" to mean "termin" or "wyraz". Here is a typical sentence:
"W Pradze od ok 1380 nie poslugiwano sie pojeciem "nominalista", gdyz uzywano juz przeciwstawien "moderni" i "antiqui"."
To me, the translation sounds bizarre if I use "concept" here, and I am going to say "expression" instead.
(W. responded) I agree with your interpretation of "pojęcie" below.
(H. further commented) Indeed, and sometimes it is necessary to find another word for "conceive, concept, conception" because if there is not enough context, the word can be taken in a biological sense. So sometimes, "idea". And sometimes to be clear, I add "of" to the verb, even if it goes at the end of the sentence, like this: "It was something she conceived of." (No ambiguity, it is about mental concepts, but some grammarians don't like a preposition at the end of a sentence. However, English is a Germanic language, and the grammarians who say that tried to make English conform to Latin models). "It was something she conceived" can be taken in either sense.
Some problem words: prad, ruch, kierunek. Sometimes translators take great liberties: "ideas", "school" etc.. These Polish words are used so much, and it sounds funny to translate them literally each and every time.
Another problem word is "rozwazania" -- lit. considerations, perhaps meditations. But the way it is used, sometimes better as "arguments, writings, lines of reasoning, what he thought".
Another problem word is "poznanie". In English knowledge is the most general word, and includes cognition (where the process of knowledge is emphasized). In Polish poznanie is the general word, and includes wiedza, nauka (where the finished knowledge is emphasized). So I go by instinct whether poznanie should be knowledge, cognition, or even learning. Sometimes "poznal" is best as "he learned". I think "teoria poznania" is usually better as "theory of knowledge", because that is more common in English philosophical texts, but an intelligent reader will understand "theory of cognition". I think that the word "cognition" is used mostly by empirical psychologists and medical people, not so much by English speaking philosophers. Once a nurse was speaking to an old woman as if to a child, and the old woman chose to say nothing in reply. The nurse then was writing down "she is not cognitive" on official reports.