Monday, May 24, 2010


... żadna nie daje ... całościowego, koniecznego i ostatecznego wyjaśnienia rzeczywistości...

Metafizyka ... nie ma już za zadania ... ostatecznego wyjaśnienia rzeczywistości ...

...twierdzenia uzyskane na drodze ogólnienia danych nauk szczegółowych ... należy uznać za ostateczne hipotezy dotyczące bytu.

I am wondering what to do with these.


hyoomik said...

I would simply translate as “ultimate”. Sometimes I have had problems with a similar word, if I recall, “ostatecznościowy” (-owo) which seems to mean, “in terms of ultimate causes”. Maybe the problem is whether an explanation is ultimate, as the last possible explanation I can give, or ultimate in the sense that it about the ultimate cause. I think in philosophical writing, it is the same thing. Perhaps a little bit ambiguous in Polish, but also in English.

Triduana said...

I've put ultimate. But it just isn't immediately clear in the way that it should be. It has too much an aura of vague meaningfulness, imnsho.But I can't think of another word.

I really need to read more philosophy in English! And more non-philosophy in Polish ...

hyoomik said...

We often face the problem, how to make something that is unclear in Polish, also unclear in English, but in the same way. If we make something unclear clear, we are not translating, but if we try to preserve the lack of clarity, someone might blame us rather than the writer.